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The perfect bean

Me and mom just enjoyed the Nguyen phin drip experience. Wow. Proud of your work. We without hesitation enjoy the Vietnamese coffee and recommend your products. Thank-you to the Nguyen staff and tradition. From Canada eh!

Marc B

Verified Customer


1080 min prep time

Cold brew coffee is known for its smooth and mellow taste due to the slow extraction process. We're big fans of making Vietnamese coffee cold brew, which is perfect during warm months (and all year round)!

One of the many reasons why cold brew is a favorite brewing method for us is it’s super easy and accessible to make at home with no fancy cold brew makers necessary!

Our easiest hack is that if you already have a French press at home, this essentially already doubles as a cold brew maker! It’s actually our founder Sahra's favorite way to make cold brew because there’s no disposable filters needed and it saves space at home.

For other easy brewing vessels, you can use a mason jar, stock pot, or any large container that will fit your brew and that you can add a lid on top of to make airtight. For classic brewing, a mason jar or pitcher is great for easy mixing and storage. For some of our cold brew recipes that contain added spices and flavors, we tend to reach for a stock pot for brewing. 

When it comes to straining the cold brew, our go-to’s are cheesecloth or a fine mesh sieve. Both can be easily found online or at most kitchen appliance stores. No complicated instructions from there - just strain and enjoy!

Grind size:

Super coarse grind, like raw sugar.

    There's no wrong way to enjoy your coffee. Try our recommended guide, or freestyle on the water / coffee ratio until you find your personal preference (AKA the perfect cup).


    Shop our Vietnamese Coffee Trio and try both arabica & robusta coffee.

    Shop our Vietnamese Coffee Ultimate Bundle here

    Learn all about grind type and size here.

    robusta bean surprise

    What you'll need


    Add grounds to French Press


    Add cold water


    Stir with spoon or chopstick


    Seal with aluminum foil


    Steep for 12-18 hours in the fridge


    Strain grounds with the filter


    Seperate coffee from grounds


    Mix the cold brew with milk or water at a 1:1 ratio.


    Add ice.



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    Nguyen Mascot Sweetie