Is Vietnamese Coffee Acidic?
For many people, coffee is an everyday essential. Some people, however, have to limit their coffee intake for a variety of reasons such as caffeine or acid reflux. We'll break down why Vietnamese coffee is the perfect solution for those who want to enjoy low acid and non-acidic coffee.
Is Coffee Acidic?
Coffee varies from place to place and everything from its taste to its caffeine content can vary. All coffee naturally contains acidic compounds, but a variety of factors can determine whether a cup of coffee will be very acidic or not at all. For starters, the roast level of the coffee can determine its acidity; the darker the roast, the less acidic the coffee will be generally.
Additionally, factors such as brew method and grind size can affect the acidity of the coffee. Hot brewed coffee that employs a short extraction time increases the likelihood of more acidity in the final cup of coffee. Heat reacts chemically with the compounds in coffee to release more acidity, which is reflected in the taste and texture of the coffee. Grind size also plays a role in acidity of brewed coffee– the finer the grind size, the higher likelihood of acidity due to increased surface area on the coffee grounds and more room for extraction during the brewing process.
These factors are only a part of the question in determining whether coffee is acidic. Another key consideration for determining coffee acidity is the bean type, which has its own natural variances in terms of acidity.
Is Vietnamese Coffee Acidic?
Vietnamese coffee is not acidic because it is primarily robusta coffee, which is a bolder and stronger species of coffee that is known for having twice the caffeine of arabica coffee. Robusta coffee has 60% less sugars and fats than arabica as well, which makes it ideal for those who are looking for non-acidic coffee. Robusta coffee has a naturally less acidic profile and boasts more antioxidants.
Vietnamese coffee provides a clean boost of energy without fear of acid reflux or any sour taste when brewed properly. Vietnamese coffee has nutty, chocolatey, and scotch flavor notes compared to bright and fruity arabica coffee. It blends well with sweeter ingredients such as milk for cold brews and iced coffee. Vietnamese coffee is a great option for those who have to avoid acid in their diet because it leaves no sour aftertaste and has a smooth flavor.
How to Make Non-Acidic and Low Acid Coffee
Besides being naturally low acid, robusta coffee also provides a deep and bold flavor to a variety of different brew methods. When combined with brew methods that are known for being less acidic, you are guaranteed a coffee that has no acid.
One of the best coffee styles for smooth, bold flavor with no acid is cold brew.
What is cold brew?
Cold brew is coffee that is extracted by combining coarsely ground coffee with water (room temperature or cold) over the course of 12-18 hours.
Cold brew coffee is less acidic than hot brewed coffee because hot water extracts caffeine and molecules from coffee grounds quickly. Cold brew allows flavor from coffee to release over time and on a chemical level, less acidic compounds are released as there is no reaction with heat involved.
How to make cold brew with Vietnamese coffee
To make cold brew with Vietnamese coffee, you will need:
- Vietnamese coffee (preferably robusta and coarsely ground)
- A scale or tablespoon
- A container
Recipe notes:
- We recommend a ratio of 1:5 of coffee to water, especially if using Vietnamese robusta coffee as it has double the caffeine content of arabica coffee.
- Do not use finely ground coffee because it will over-extract and create an unpleasant tasting cold brew.
- You can adjust the ratios depending on how you like your coffee or if you want to create a concentrate.
- Cold brew is super versatile so you can dilute it or drink it however you like! One of our favorites is in a Lemon Cold Brew Spritz.
- Grind your coffee beans coarsely.
- Add ground coffee into a steeping container.
- Add cold or room temperature water.
- Steep for at least 12 hours in the fridge (up to 18).
- Strain the cold brew using a filter or sieve.
- Enjoy however you like– black, with milk, sweetener, or however!
As with any new coffee experience, but especially with our specialty Vietnamese coffee beans, we recommend drinking it black to appreciate the natural flavor of the coffee at first or with a bit of your favorite milk. Ultimately, you are the decision maker on how you like your coffee so you can go from there and enjoy it as you like!
For folks who suffer from acid reflux, drinking cold brew made from Vietnamese coffee beans is the perfect answer to how to drink non-acidic coffee.
Journey through the world of Vietnamese coffee with our Discovery Kit Subscription.
Learn how to use robusta coffee beans in delicious drink recipes here.