Phin Filter Coffee Brewing for the Home Coffee Connoisseur
If you’re someone who likes to make their own coffee, we’d like to introduce you to your new holy grail: the Vietnamese phin filter. Present in almost every Vietnamese household worldwide, this low-tech, sustainable, and compact brewing tool is making waves with Vietnamese coffee in the specialty coffee scene and emerging as a new go-to tool along the likes of the standard drip, V60 Pour Over or the French press.
In this day and age, we’re all busy and rushing to do the next thing. Sometimes we don’t have the time, the willpower, or the capacity to multitask. The phin filter bypasses these woes because it makes brewing coffee effortless and easy with little room for error. As opposed to a drip which requires refilling paper filters and a French press which requires precise timing, the phin filter allows you to brew, walk away, and come back without worry.
The phin filter requires nothing other than ground coffee and hot water to brew -- no paper filter needed! It's simple, quick, easy to use and easy to clean-– so go ahead: brew with your phin and take that call, brush your teeth, cook eggs, answer your email, or whatever else you like. Your perfectly brewed coffee will be waiting for you.
Shop our Vietnamese Coffee Starter Kit here.
Shop our Vietnamese Coffee Trio and try both arabica & robusta coffee.
Try our Dark Roast Trio today.
Learn how to brew Vietnamese coffee using a phin filter here.
Read why the phin filter is our favorite coffee brewing tool.