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The perfect bean

Me and mom just enjoyed the Nguyen phin drip experience. Wow. Proud of your work. We without hesitation enjoy the Vietnamese coffee and recommend your products. Thank-you to the Nguyen staff and tradition. From Canada eh!

Marc B

Verified Customer

New Orleans Style Cold Brew

New Orleans style cold brew in a glass

When we've got NOLA on the brain (or the summer heat is just getting to us), we put this New Orleans style cold brew to work to satisfy our cool cravings! With a super simple addition to our classic cold brew base, ground chicory brings in a subtle sweetness that complements the bold flavors of our dark roast coffee.

Top this cold brew off with a splash of simple syrup and milk and it's easily one of our favorite drinks to sip on all summer long!

What you'll need


To a large stock pot, combine the coffee grounds, chicory, and water.


Mix everything with a wooden spoon, cover the pot with a lid, and let the brew steep for 12 hours at room temperature.


After 12 hours, strain the coffee and chicory grounds from the cold brew using cheesecloth or a fine-mesh sieve.


Optional: you can add your milk and sweetener of choice to the whole batch at this point or individualize the servings with each cup. Store cold brew in the fridge and enjoy!

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